Circus Hurts ~ Herbal Repair Liniment featuring Yarrow, Nettle, Comfrey, Eucalytpus, Sage & Mint

It is a calm night in the Presidio.

As the rain drops fall softy on the rooftop, the wind in the trees and the waves out on shore combine magically with the calls of the owls and the signal of the foghorn to the passing ships. Over the past few months, our dry and drought stricken California has been receiving, not all, but much of the rain we have missed. In the past few months of replenishment the soft spring blooms with green, calling me out to travel distances for plant collecting and product making.

At first the topic of Circus presented in the title of this post may seem a bit off topic from wild crafting, but it seems my deep relationship with native plants wraps in to each and every part of my life.

square splits hoop  While recovering from a life threatening surgery, I asked myself what I wanted to do in the next stages of my life. I closed my eyes and said “I want to climb trees and join the circus.” Since youth I have spent many adventurous mornings or lazy afternoons climbing or perched in my favorite trees, but I had never before dreamed anything in regards to a circus.

If interested, you can click here to view an article which shares a story of how training in the Circus Center has changed my life.

I will never give up on my aerial acrobatic dreams and I will always keep climbing trees.  Sometimes the two mix well together…

spinning hoop treeConnecting plants and circus…

One day, after a very long and exhausting day of training, I was asked by one of my classmates if I made anything that resembled “Tiger Balm.” To be honest, my memories of Tiger Balm are not quite positive. My father used the product while I was a child and I have a very clear memory of him being banished from the living room due to the harsh smell he carried along with him. My classmate made a request for a more pleasant and all natural version of this product. Thank goodness for these past months rain, for it has allowed me to spend time collecting fresh plants and finishing up a beautiful recipe. I have used on myself and shared with others and the results are wonderful.

linement mix 1
Sage, Yarrow & Eucalyptus.
liniment mix 2
Comfrey, Nettle & Mint.

4 liniment ingredients

Now back to the plants.

The healing benefits of Nettle, Yarrow and Comfrey soak deep into sore and tight muscles as well as benefiting the surface of the skin with high nutrients, and anti-inflammatory qualities. Sage, Mint and Eucalyptus essential oils enhance the movement of blood toward the top of the skin, increasing circulation, as well as have soothing scents.

liniment dropperWelcome to my Herbal Repair Liniment.


Can be found on Etsy here

Created with: Sweet Almond oil infused with Nettle, Yarrow & Comfrey. Avocado oil & Essential oils of Eucalyptus, Yarrow, Mint & Sage.

I have heard many positive reviews on this creation which has helped people who have injuries, scrapes and rashes, tired bodies, or do physical activities that cause bruising and soreness, and takes wear on their muscles and joints.

Made in small, fresh batches, all natural, wildcrafted, home and handmade, no chemicals, no preservatives. Healthy for the body and soul.

Brought to you from the open coast of Big Sur, Santa Cruz and Marin.

All natural, wild crafted, home and handmade with love.

One Comment on “Circus Hurts ~ Herbal Repair Liniment featuring Yarrow, Nettle, Comfrey, Eucalytpus, Sage & Mint

  1. Please send me your email
    I have composed a letter for you
    Linda Scharg
    Aka Tattooedlady
    From Sun Ft Madon Market
    Lost your card


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